
Supporting faculty participation in the initiatives of the University System of Georgia, the Center for Excellence in Teaching and 学习 (CETL) has a threefold mission: to advance pedagogical scholarship and professional development related to teaching, to support full-time and part-time faculty in innovative teaching, and to promote strong learning communities of faculty and students. The CETL serves experienced and new faculty looking to share and receive support in implementing best teaching practices, effective course designs, and strategies for inspiring and engaging today’s students. Faculty will have opportunities to engage in conversations addressing teaching and learning trends meeting the needs of 21st century students, even as the CETL assists faculty with navigating the latest topography of the rapidly shifting pedagogy of 高等教育. The center also facilitates high impact practices such as linking student learning communities and faculty learning communities. In its mission to enhance professional development related to teaching, the CETL amplifies the communication of the institution’s teaching initiatives while supporting faculty in the development and maintenance of their highest teaching standards, even as faculty members cultivate a student’s love for lifelong learning. 

CETL Supported Professional Development Campus 事件

    • Faculty Teaching and 学习系列 – faculty lead workshops sharing their own experiments and experiences with high impact practices and/or active teaching pedagogies. Faculty may contact the director of the CETL to request or propose workshop topics. Past workshop materials may be located on EGSC’s 学习 Management System for the CETL.

    • Scholarship of Teaching and 学习系列 – faculty review and present current scholarship related to teaching and learning, or they may present their own research-based scholarship. Past presentations have included topic such as “Teaching with Poverty in Mind,” and materials may be located on EGSC’s 学习 Management System for the CETL.

    • QEP Faculty 学习 Communities for faculty designing and collaborating linked courses for student learning communities (with co-host FYE Program Director) 

    • New Faculty Academy and 取向

    • Fall Faculty Institute – Faculty gain information pertaining to pedagogical trends such as active teaching, fostering Growth Mindset, engaging students through high impact practice, creating equitable course designs, as well as learn about Momentum Year and G2C goals and participate in workshops lead by the previous year’s Chancellor’s 学习 Scholars.

The CETL also supports USG's Chancellor's 学习 Scholars program by promoting each 学习 Scholar and their Faculty 学习 Community through campus-wide workshops 和研讨会.